“No problem Jeff, we’ll get right on that. Yep, you too, enjoy your next space walk.” Okay, so that’s not exactly how it went down, but when AWS reached out and asked if we could take concepts like AI/ML, cloud computing, and web applications, and make them exciting, inviting, and approachable, we said hell yeah, and created campaigns that humanized, clarified, and humorized the binary backend of computing. The results? Significant increases in registration and event attendance. Now that is prime.

4631 US-9 Howell
NJ 07731


Work for the Mann

We are always looking for good people to help bring big ideas to life. Whether through writing, design, ideation, production or really any other way.

Prove you can follow instructions below and we’ll do our best to respond within 48 hours.

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4631 US-9 Howell
NJ 07731


Accepting new
business & love

If you’re looking to make moves and aren't afraid of big ideas, please contact us for a confidential discussion to see how we can help exceed your expectations.

(Please note projects currently start at 150K+)

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